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We Show Up for Media



Cofounders of The DH Effect, Hilary Bilbrey and Sonja Montiel, share tribute to school counselors worldwide as they continue to support students and their families through tough educational and emotional experiences throughout the pandemic. They believe that "School Counselor" is defined as "A super hero who builds better humans." ⁣But how can they refuel in the face working crazy hours to build our kids, nursing heartaches, guiding towards the future and countless other immeasurably valuable things? This article provides a starting point. ⁣


Parenting Reset

Tess Connolly LCSW talks with cofounders of The DH Effect, Sonja Montiel and Hilary Bilbrey, about their decided heart companioning technique that fosters a trusting relationship and a strong sense of belonging between you and your child. They call this technique the H.E.A.R.T. method because it really is about getting to the heart of the matter, honoring the dignity of both parent and child while teaching children that they can become the hero of your own story. This technique is powerful as it supports the complexities of our developing children from the moment they can communicate, well into their lives as adults.

Future Business Leaders of America -
Gold Coast Section Conference

February 2022, cofounders Sonja Montiel and Hilary Bilbrey, presented "Leading with a Decided Heart" to the Gold Coast Section Conference of CA FBLA. They spoke on the one issue that most business places have in common. It might not be what you think it is. It is not technology, ideas or even money that usually brings most businesses down; it is the people problems.


Sonja and Hilary enjoyed teaching their HEART method, a five-step communication process, that helps leaders get to the bottom of conflict, misunderstandings, and difficult decisions, while empowering those around to step up and take ownership of their own lives.


VoyageLA Magazine

Learn earn about the forces of trust and belonging between Hilary Bilbrey Sonja Montiel and Katya Armistead that created our membership and corporate training offerings today! 

Also presented for...

  • Article Feature in Parent Coach Magazine - "Do Your Kids Feel Seen?"

  • Pressure-Free Summit

  • Westlake High School PTSA

  • Kiwanis International - Conejo Valley Chapter

  • National Charity League - Vista Robles Chapter

  • Minnesota School Counselors Association

  • Radical Parenting Conference

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